Friday, August 19, 2005

new site going up

For all of you who have been to the current FAF site, you probably know that it's pretty crappy. Well, Dragon Media is making us a new site, and we're going to change hosting to give us PHP CGI and MySql capabilities, as the new site will have a content management/ project system! Yes, I am also very happy :D.
A mockup of the new site can be found here: New Free Anime Foundation site design, by Dragon Media,

Friday, October 01, 2004


We need to get more people active in the FAF. Therefore, I'm having a special offer.
The next 5 people to register on the FAF forum and submit an idea, if qualified, get a gmail invite or other prizes.
1) You must submit a fully developed idea, in the proper format (as exemplified by the already-submitted ideas in the Current Projects forum)
2) If you do not submit an idea, you may also submit a script or a set of character designs, either of which need to meet the same standards as an idea would in number 1.
3) If you do not want a gmail invite, you may choose one of the other prizes, as available
4) In the case that less than the minimum nescisary number of people choose any prize, the contest will remain open until the minimum requirement is fulfilled
5) All submissions will be judged by myself and other current members of the FAF

-gmail account (5 left) email redirect (3 left)
-pre-release copies of current FAF projects (projects limited to: digital soul manga, okashina kaze manga)
-moderator-ship on the board (subject to the whims of the FAF Directorate)

The board can be found on the main site.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Hello, world!

This blog is for the Free Anime Foundation project members to post updates and ideas to the public, as opposed to internal disscussion on the forums. The update link on the main page will point to this site.
In specific, this blog references mainly to our most major project at this time, Digital Soul, which has an OVA movie and manga in production as we speak. It also references to Okashina Kaze: Strange Wind and a few other projects that are being worked on by the FAF.